Join the CSPAR Team

CSPAR combines many areas of interest, including:

  • Clinical trials research
  • Dissemination and implementation
  • Annual training for the UW community in DBT and CAMS
  • Development of Dr. Comtois’ DBT vocational treatment: Accepting the Challenges of Employment and Self-Sufficiency (DBT-ACES)
  • Harborview Mental Health DBT Clinic


Find opportunities to join our center below!

  • None at this time.

Visit UW Hires to view job postings and apply.

Student Research Internships

UW students working toward graduate school are invited to apply for a research internship with us. We especially welcome Veterans, ethnic minorities, and those who are first in their family to go to college.

Seattle University students: Please, contact your internship director for current opportunities.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Note: Dr. Comtois does not offer an ongoing post-doc opportunity at this time, but is interested in partnering with graduate students working in her research topics on post-doc grant opportunities through NIH, AFSP, and others.

If interested, please contact Dr. Comtois or have your faculty mentor do so.