Join the CSPAR Team

CSPAR combines many areas of interest, including:

  • Clinical trials research
  • Dissemination and implementation
  • Annual training for the UW community in DBT and CAMS
  • Development of Dr. Comtois’ DBT vocational treatment: Accepting the Challenges of Employment and Self-Sufficiency (DBT-ACES)
  • Harborview Mental Health DBT Clinic


Find opportunities to join our center below!

Visit UW Hires to view the job posting and apply.

Student Research Internships

UW students working toward graduate school are invited to apply for a research internship with us. We especially welcome Veterans, ethnic minorities, and those who are first in their family to go to college.

Seattle University students: Please, contact your internship director for current opportunities.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Note: Dr. Comtois does not offer an ongoing post-doc opportunity at this time, but is interested in partnering with graduate students working in her research topics on post-doc grant opportunities through NIH, AFSP, and others.

If interested, please contact Dr. Comtois or have your faculty mentor do so.