Richard Ries, MD, FAPA, FASM

Medical Director



Dr. Ries is an addiction psychiatrist and practicing board certified psychiatrist with a focus on the grey area of addiction and suicide and CSPAR medical director.


Dr. Ries developed Preventing Addiction Related Suicide (PARS) and its training partner PARSWeb, a suicide prevention module developed in and for community substance use intensive outpatient programs.  Dr. Ries provides inpatient, outpatient, and tele-consultation at UW Medicine and consults internationally on addiction and suicide.


  • Ries, R. K., Livengood, A. L., Huh, D., Kerbrat, A. H., Fruhbauerova, M., Turner, B., & Comtois, K. A. (2022). Effectiveness of a Suicide Prevention Module for Adults in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 5(4), e222945.
  • Yuodelis-Flores, C., & Ries, R. K. (2015). Addiction and suicide: A review. The American Journal on Addictions, 24(2), 98–104.
  • Hallgren, K. A., Ries, R. K., Atkins, D. C., Bumgardner, K., & Roy-Byrne, P. (2017). Prediction of Suicide Ideation and Attempt Among Substance-Using Patients in Primary Care. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: JABFM, 30(2), 150–160.
  • Tauscher, J. S., Cohn, E. B., Johnson, T. R., Diteman, K. D., Ries, R. K., Atkins, D. C., & Hallgren, K. A. (2021). What do clinicians want? Understanding frontline addiction treatment clinicians’ preferences and priorities to improve the design of measurement-based care technology. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16(1), 38.

For complete list of publications see Richard Ries on Pubmed.