Addressing Suicide Risk In Primary Care To Reduce Youth Suicide

At a glance

Funded by: Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions January, 2023 — December, 2023
Principal Investigator(s): Denise Chang Sarah Danzo
Research Team:
Participating Agencies: UW Primary Care
Research Setting: Outpatient medical setting


Suicide is a leading cause of death among 10 to 24year-olds in the US, and half of youth who die by suicide contact a primary care provider within one month prior to suicide. Suicide risk screening and access to brief and effective suicide prevention interventions remain an important step in reducing suicide, yet comprehensive suicide prevention pathways focused on youth have not been widely implemented or evaluated in primary care settings, in part due to lack of trained clinicians and time to provide services.

This project aims to address these challenges by developing clinician training and adapting and optimizing a brief, evidence-based suicide intervention, SAFETY- Acute(A), for use in primary care to support the development of an effective and sustainable primary care-based suicide prevention pathway for youth with low to moderate suicide risk.


  • In progress
  • More information can be found here.