pRCT: Caring for Veterans and Service Members (COVE)

At a glance

Funded by: Face the Fight 2022-2026
Principal Investigator(s): Kate Comtois
Participating Agencies:
Research Setting: Online


COVE is a two-way pragmatic randomized controlled trial of the Caring Contacts intervention with stressed and distressed veterans and military members utilizing monthly EMA (ecological momentary assessment) bursts to determine when and how the intervention is making an impact.

The primary aim of this study is to determine if Caring Contacts can help reduce the risk of suicide for stressed or distressed veterans, with additional aims to understand how veterans feel about receiving Caring Contacts, how the delivery of the intervention affects stress and suicide risk, and determining if Caring Contacts can help reduce loneliness, depression, hopelessness, substance use, and psychological pain.


  • Data collection currently in progress.
  • If you’re interested in participating, review the flyer below for details and complete the pre-screening eligibility survey.