Suicide Care Research Center – All hands on deck to care for adolescents and young adults who are contemplating suicide.

At a glance

Funded by: NIMH 2023-2028
Principal Investigator(s): Kate Comtois
Research Team: Juliann Salisbury
Research Setting: Seattle Children’s Hospital University of Washington Primary Care Clinics


The NIMH-funded Suicide Care Research Center (SCRC) is an interdisciplinary team working to improve the design and delivery of suicide care for adolescents and young adults in outpatient medical settings.

Main Challenge

In the foreground a teen sits hugging their knees and looking looking distressed, they are wearing a white sweater and jeans. In the background just slightly out of focus a parental figure sits and looks stressed with their head leading a bit into their hand. They are sitting on the same couch. Many adolescents and young adults disclose their suicidality to providers who are not prepared to offer treatment and instead must refer to the emergency department when outpatient care is appropriate. This overwhelms medical systems and creates negative experiences for patients, their loved ones and providers.


This five year center will support 12 studies to improve the design and delivery of suicide specific care for suicidal adolescents and young adults in outpatient medical settings.

Studies will use human centered design and optimization methods to co-design interventions with healthcare providers, adolescent and young adult patients, and their families to make coordinated improvements across the suicide care pathway from assessment to treatment and recovery. The Center will conduct one full size optimization trial, three exploratory studies, and eight pilot studies.


Learn more by visiting the SCRC website or emailing [email protected].