Caring Contacts Online Training

Caring Contacts is a simple but powerful suicide prevention intervention that radically changes the relationship between clinicians and clients.


Instead of waiting for clients to reach out in distress, a clinician or other caring individual sends 8 or more messages of care, support and connection to a suicidal individual over the course of a year or longer. Reaching out out to clients repeatedly over time leads to moments of connection and provides opportunities to offer help when it is needed.

Training Details

This is a one-hour, interactive, self-paced training. It is designed to give providers and client-facing staff an additional tool to prevent suicide.

Length: 1 hour

Format: Online

Cost: Free

Continuing Education: This course does not provide CE.


This training was developed in collaboration with the AIMS Center and Behavioral Health Institute with Amanda Kerbrat, LICSW CSPAR Research Scientist.


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