Archives: Self-Guided Online Trainings

Targeted Interventions: Firearms, Culture & Suicide Care

In the United States, self-directed firearm use accounts for approximately half of all suicide deaths. To address this risk in health care settings, clinical guidelines advise health care professionals to engage patients in discussions about reducing firearm access when suicide risk is identified. In practice, broad

PARSWeb Training

About The PARS module is an interactive psychoeducational suicide prevention program designed to be used within community addiction group therapy treatment by addiction specialists and counselors, like SUDPs in Washington. It is a three-hour PowerPoint based interactive group session focusing on future suicide prevention,

PARSWeb Manual

About The free manual consists of the PARS PowerPoint slides for administration to clients/patients and along with an integrated brief guide for counselors on leading discussions around slide content. If you are looking for additional training around use of this manual, we recommend the

Caring Contacts Online Training

About Instead of waiting for clients to reach out in distress, a clinician or other caring individual sends 8 or more messages of care, support and connection to a suicidal individual over the course of a year or longer. Reaching out out to clients